Contact Us

Giuliano Richardson & Sfara LLC

39 Sherman Hill Road | Woodbury, CT 06798

Telephone: 203.263.0330 • Fax: 203.263.0160 • Email: [email protected]

Westport Office: 500 Post Road E. | Westport, CT 06880

New York Office: 745 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500 | New York, NY 10151

Please be advised that contacting us via email does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and our firm. Please do not send us any confidential information unless and until a formal attorney-client relationship has been established.

Meet Our Lawyers

Rosemary E. Giuliano

Rosemary approaches each case with an individualized strategic plan while supporting clients during these often difficult life changes.

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Randolph E. Richardson II

Rick’s extensive experience in divorce and personal injury law makes him adept at resolving complex matters by settlement or vigorous courtroom advocacy.

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David L. Sfara

David’s compassionate approach complements his comprehensive background in all aspects of estate planning, estate and trust administration, and representation in the creative arts.

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L. Joyelle Maini

Joy uses her broad knowledge in estate and tax planning, estate administration and elder law to assist her clients in attaining their goals.

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